Tuesday, October 14, 2008

I Am 7 Dpo My Cervix Is Low And Hard

The days when things change.

Under this title is an entry that I wanted to write for a long time, perhaps should have been an early, yet only now when it seems that I dare to write about it.

people like it or not, we move in routine behavior, in fact, and believe it or not, look for them. We are dedicated to find a life based on a routine as close to our tastes, but a routine after all. Do not believe me? Think then what you have just tired the first few days of a shift work, home, etc. The routine is still not defined and this causes us extra effort.

This is not bad, every day we have to work and unfortunately have to have a schedule.

what you really want to talk, no day is routine, but on the break, and they also do forever. These days, I know well, and I would presentároslos before it alone.

I remember them well ...

You wake up, and take your "normal" day like nothing happened, you're happier than you, maybe your ideal routine, maybe not, but it is your routine, your plans, your life. You're not have not noticed, or you will, but nothing sounds the same today, everything sounds dull, like you're in a music studio, there is background noise. Although not think I remember them well.

Then, at any given time, the fact the pump, the line of no return, from that moment nothing will be the same. Nothing. From my experience and personality, the attempt to pass bad shots and bad-tasting medicine, fast and saying "and this" but I still taste this bitter pill.

take it as you want, this is very personal, and the truth, my method is not her best. After repeated barbaric.

Once past the first wave, look around, and discover that your feet have a new puzzle that compose your life. And the point is that not all the parts you had. There will be rebuilt again, find new pieces, learning to see the holes that you can not fill. So the confusion is brutal. Starting state of shock. During this time, or feel, or suffer only this, is something akin to withdrawal symptoms, your body wants to return to routine, but you can not give it. Landing

shock, hours, days, ... later, then you become aware that you have to start ordering again, wherever you can only encourage, but can not help you, in your head. So gather the pieces you are, I'll do with new ones, and discover others that you had to be taken into account before.

These days are there, and are unavoidable, are part of life. From them, recovered the routine, another routine, sooner or later, better or worse, that if at any time you've stopped living your life.

I have had two of these fucking days. The first fifteen years ago, the day when my father died. The cost to us back on their feet, but we did, my mother, my brothers and me. And I say that now we are happy, there has been a key player who did not want to put back into the puzzle, but smaller ones have come to us to look with pride the part we stayed in the road.

Another was just a year and a half ago, when half of my life decided that all was not enough. And if I stay with half the pieces. That is going to do, life gives you things that people take away. And if reconstructing the puzzle, with a difference, that now all the pieces are mine, and i do not need any.

And if I like the color you have now. If you want to show it, even you change a tab.

One of the pieces of this puzzle comes from this new blog, and is composed of all that I have / have you been. From this I can only give thanks.

Monday, October 6, 2008

Cockroach White Fecal Matter

Me me.

I'm very happy, this is my first "me me", and also comes amid What else I can ask?

1. ¿Are you happy?
I try. I decided that I want to be more happy, or firefighter, or astronaut, or browser, just happy. And that I work every day.

2. What are you doing on Sunday?
Sincerely, recover from Saturday night. I'm getting older, and excess costs me more and more overcome.

3. What is the poem that you have impacted your life?
this poem. It has always seemed perfect.

Naked you are simple as one of your hands:
flat, land, minimum, round, transparent. You
moon lines, apple pathways.
Naked you are slender as a naked grain of wheat.

Naked you are blue as a night in Cuba:
have vines and stars in her hair. Nude

are round and yellow as summer in a golden church.

Naked you are tiny as your fingernail:
curved, subtle, rosy, till the day comes
and get into the underground world

like a long tunnel of clothing and of chores: your clear light dims
is dressed, drops its leaves again
and again a bare hand.

4. Why forego for love?
Give up? In love there is surrendered, the love is shared, and yeah, I share everything.

5. What did you do crazy things for love?
Everything about love is a madness, and yet at the same time is the most prudent thing you can do.

6. What do you like most about you?
My stupidity makes my life sooo easy.

7. How do you feel in the city where you live? Zaragoza
I love, nor small, neither large nor far or near any place, people are good, intense weather, and also is nearly flat so I can ride a bicycle almost everywhere.

8. What you failed to do in this life you lead?
goodbye to my father. Open your eyes when reality tarnished dreams. Sing, dance and learn English.

9. What zodiac sign resources and what you like about him? I
Virgo perooo ... not. What the symbol of the sign is usually a girl out?

10. What things are lost when you were little and would like to return?
All the children is unique.

11. What is the last work you have done?
Then make a program to calculate the 2nd derivative function of height leakage magnetic field produced by a network of nanowires of Ni / Cu, which is measured by the MFM. It's something super fun that has taken me a week of work.

'm not sure, but I think now I must add a question. By the way:

12. What is the question you left to do?
"This is it worth? Purification Garcia on Friday, before paying his shirt and tie for the wedding of Kay.

And hoping that the authors reach the "Me me" the transfer to:
- The lousy magician.
- The Mediterranean Cris.
- The silent melody.

And of course the Club blue, but not the obligation to do so as not to be repeated in the entries.

Friday, October 3, 2008

Buy Mac Full Coverage Online

And Zero ...

not panic, Ravaltres no longer exists, but we are full of projects and ideas we are sure you will love.
Meanwhile we wait for "The Other , where of course you will find our collections and the vast majority of the designers we work with. Aim
.: Pz. Martorell Vincenç 2 / 3, Barcelona (three minutes walk from Ferlandina 22).
To see map click here: Getting
Cuanquier doubt you can also write to: ravaltres@gmail.com
Thanks again for your interest.

Wednesday, September 17, 2008

How To Get Rid Of Impetigo Fast-

Ravaltres, two, one ...

Dear Customers.:
For various reasons we are forced to close Ravaltres .
The closing date is the next Wednesday 30.
Therefore, we apologize to our customers who have been extremely loyal and enthusiastic about our work and invite you to be the last lap before that date.
Thanks and more thanks for everything.

Saturday, August 16, 2008

Implantation Bleeding 5 Weeks

Today I begin a book.

What I would grant this trip?

Tuesday, August 5, 2008

Scavengers And Decomposers List

The way of the gods. Archaeology

We all Have you ever wondered if you believe in God, or at least to a supra-terrestrial to justify our existence. In response to this question is "why" but not "For", as demonstrating the existence of a superior being, would show where we come from, but not the goal of our life.

And is that whenever I ask this question, which to a physicist seems to have more substance. I always say the same thing. "I do not know. Do not think about it"

And in science we find two very different branches of belief, both based on scientific fact. Some want to prove under the experiment the nonexistence of God (This is what you get, the more difficult or easier, but what is there. No bones about it.) And others based practically on the same tests show that the fabric of nature is so beautiful and detailed, which can only be the work of a superior being.

I headed for a third way, based on faith not filled with questions I can not resolve, and do not try them myself. I would like to be a Christian to have faith, to have a full life, and trust that God rewards me what I did in life. But I am a physicist and my job is to describe the divine facts in equations, effects and properties. While residing in my sleep hoping that not everything is describable cold by the wonderful and mathematics. And not everything is what we see, but rather what we sense.

why not look at my back, where I have a bag empty of faith, but I look forward where I have a road full of friends, experiences and challenges.

Thanks Mona for exploring this beautiful. Hey

Wednesday, July 30, 2008

Watch College Basketball Games Online Free

emotional. The art of turning time into boxes.

. How long. I feel the wait.

long time ago If I move out of a rut, now my life has decided to take my luggage, and take my break to a place further away.

This is surely the last entry I write from what has been my home for the past 28 years. And in fact I move. Left the nest or get up anchor, as ye say. Although for me the feeling is more like to go barefoot in the street in a storm. Frozen feet, and the chill in the back.

But I have to do, and therefore I am.

this time there are many things and many memories that hid my closet: Gifts, newspapers, old clothes and new clothes, memories, sweet and sour memories. I was heartened to meet the kid who was more than ten years, and realize I have not changed much, and that experience would not have changed many things I did then. I was surprised by this strange Diogenes syndrome I have with the bills and bank statements, may not be ordered, but I have them all from the first.

And what I liked most is to fill a memory box locked up, and know that they will not leave until I do not want.

If the photos capture moments, the boxes frozen years. The years that the cabinets are determined to keep cool.

Tabula rasa.

But know that you are welcome to visit. If Juanjete (my flatmate) will suit my house is yours, and but also, if it is a good fellow.

I have not found one as audio, but I leave a video with my favorite song of the Supremes. Who does not have a favorite song of the Supremes?

Saturday, July 19, 2008

Write In Card To Friend Who Had Baby

Dadandismo: butterflies in my trousers (Daniel Johnston)

given A touch, a little here, there, yesterday, today and tomorrow ... et voila!.
A man timelessly modern and elegant in equal measure. ... That's

Monday, July 7, 2008

Best Buys For Vintage Stereos

"Culismo" Alexander Kobiakov

already · Lo · I · I opens exhibition of Culismo Alejandro Kobiakov on Wednesday July 9th, 2008 at 20:00 hrs. Kobiakov
style breaks with the laws of human anatomy, to claim in full color and acrylic that human side of the derrière. Come
the opening day and enjoy the music of DJ Barretina and a glass of champagne to celebrate with us.

Thursday, June 26, 2008

Does Texas Have Black Mold

The other faces of Jean

The concept of flips denim garment in the collection of Eugenia Raschetti for Spring / Summer 2008.
leaves behind industrial and masculine style of denim to be inspired by the movement and pace of life in contemporary dance and thus allow more sensual and organic forms of nature define the lines of the collection.
This creates an intimate and delicate feminine world, with mundane items and relaxed air.
He used details like tucks, cut Unfinished hems, ruffled pieces and different stitching, which highlights the body with ease and comfort.

Martial Arts Exercises

Remembering "Conchita" and "From Divine" Valeria

"of the Divine" comes from a body's need and knowledge to understand the reality around him to live better in it. Divine visions of herself reflected a cleaning process, looking to experience a feeling ethereal perfection, finding the best version of herself.
"I AM CONCHITA" imaginary character.
's work Lula Enjoy, Explore the daily lives of this imaginary character from the inside of your home to your closet.

2002 Ski Doo Tundra Rev

Crociata - Creepy Grace

The disruption of the sign reveals a genuine humanity made from blood, bad blood and hidden secrets.
Valeria Crociata returns a world free of masks, incredibly intimate, and close to all of us. Figures living
disturbing atmospheres do not lose their grace in facing the inevitability of being. Creepy
Grace, the exhibition Valeria Crociata Ravaltres is presenting now, will be available until 30/07/1908.
Exhibition: From 30/05/2008 to 30/07/2008

Monday, June 23, 2008

Odor Eliminator Trash Bags

principles. My system

I have so much to tell, and so little time during the day. I think when you start to complain that the day you go far enough to reach to all the duties that await you, right then is when you start to stop. How nice. But now I can not, another year without a vacation is what I expected.

Nor is this what you want to write, but I used to apologize for all the time he left this blog unattended, and these sheets that I have to send, and which are packed suitcases, waiting like a child want to go hiking. At the time be able to find a store open to sell me an envelope you send them.

And I get into the subject.

In this you have to choose sides, and the worst is that there are no grays or halftones. What do you prefer to be stupid with principles, or herd sheep list? Diras beee bueeee sieeeeempre not tieeeeene bueeee seeeer so. And I will tell you that rush that you miss the pastor.

Unfortunately in this society (society, that word so beloved by philosophers. Should try writing a book of philosophy without words like partnership, individual, psyche and environment. Perhaps then we would do any good to humans.) Which survived We develop freely as individuals until we find a barrier that limits our growth. And these are always displayed. Sometimes as cultural norms, social or political. But these are easily avoided, just treat you as bizarre, antisocial or anarchist.

The problem occurs when a person or a group, requires you to give up what you are or submission to the rows of the group to move forward. That will give them! You'd think. Ah, but the decision is not so simple when it risks everything for what you have fought for so long. It is here that do not fit a middle ground.

I still have not had to ask myself. But two friends recently, very recently, they've had to do.

And I am going to say ...

Welcome my dear stupid !!!!!

I hope I am as brave as the day you have to answer me which is my way, so you can sleep, and so to dream.

Clasicazo, but for me quite new. I discovered the other day at a concert in Barcelona. Although not the best surprise of the trip.

Wednesday, June 4, 2008

Free Free Free Blueprints For A Dune Buggy


My sympathetic system is my sympathetic nervous system. And this is one that controls my reflexes, breathing rate and even my yawns.

I think it also runs the beating of my heart, and sometimes my hairs stand on end.

You decide when I have to sweat, which is often, adjusting the temperature of my body at will.

I am sure that, allied to my nerves, drives the trembling of my hands doing that sometimes unable to get a glass.

contemplate the possibility that the origin of the anger that arises in my back, and sometimes it makes me boil inside.

you'll ever know is if you are responsible to make me lose my head, it is unable to maintain concentration, I feel silly, and yet they are happy.

What I can not understand is why they call it nice.

The last thing I found in the music world, and is so good. Basia Bulat. Hope you like it.

Monday, May 19, 2008

Singapore Musical Candles

Relations. Intermag 08

have long wanted to write this entry, you share with me every day and you will have heard me sometime. And I do not know because I have not written before. It is my opinion on love and relationships with others.

had planned to start by saying that love is over, but that's not true, just what are the relationships. Normally for love, which is what comes to sharing, is distributed unevenly among related. From this we exhausted its energy side, a party decides a unilateral breach of the union. This is another fact that there is always one that is "fucked" and another to be "happy", thinking that at least this time, had done what he had to do. That we are worthy.

agreed Breaks do not exist, we autocondescendientes. Another

, and this appeal, is that the relationship ends. Hard words, but true. And may last two days, three months, fifty years, but inevitably end.

And this is where my point.

Life is a journey (Hence the metaphor of the train. Let's see if I am the transits.) Sometimes we do together, and the rest time looking company. And this is wonderful. It makes us feel alive.

So when you see that you're not alone in your journey, take advantage. Squeeze every moment, dance, jump, sing, travel, eat, drink, enjoy every moment with that person decided to share with you that part of the journey. Do not leave anything for tomorrow. What matters is that trip where you go, if not the trip itself.

Because at the end when everything is over, what hurts is not lost, if not the things that have been done, plans, dreams, desires. Why waste your love, you've got to spend, to prove, especially for a friend.

And lose, because I'm inviting you to bet everything on. To say "This is me, this is all I am, now I put on the table and began to play."

And lose, and I lost, like I did lose.

and return to bet, as I do ... Open


Monday, May 12, 2008

Omron Detected Irregular Heartbeat

gigs do not usually talk in the blog, but last week I was at the Intermag 08 in Madrid, and I come stoned.

The Intermag is an international conference on basic and applied magnetism. Applied research means that the design has developed a new gadget, which makes for a jug of Asian Congress. It is worth noting the long list of Kims had on the list of attendees.

Yes, I am dedicated to research, and specific to the magnetism of small things, and more especially from the local probe microscopy, tunneling and atomic force.

I've been in this Congress as the second author of an oral communication from my boss, which I have made some steps with the atomic force microscope. Some day if you like, which I doubt, here's where my work focuses.

For all this the Congress was already special enough, as it has been my first international congress. But it also happened to me a few things I have left out of orbit.

the first day, during the reception of Congress, with the new minister of research out there, I was able to talk to Albert Fert, Nobel Prize in physics last. I had to have taken a picture, I think this is not repeated.

The second day I was having dinner with Roland Wiesendanger, which for you is not nothing but a normal person, but for me is the god of the tunnel microscopy. Was telling us some stories about the nobel prize that gave the creators of the scanning tunneling microscope, in addition to the German research fellows charge more than double the English (No comment.)

The best came on the last day. The communication sent to Congress, is made in collaboration with a group of MIT (Massachusetts Institute of Technology), and last week one of our colleagues asked me when I went to go there.
QUEEEE!! So I have offered to make the stay of my thesis at MIT (yes, I finally Bienve has left a room) which is the most wonderful that ever happened to me at work. With all this, and if I find funding next year I'm going to Boston a little while Curran one of the most powerful research centers worldwide.

I'm still freaking out ...

Monday, April 28, 2008

Household Masterbation Lubercants


Funny, this morning walking down the power I have come across a woman who did not know anything. And I greeted him.

His face has been evident surprise, almost as much as mine, that in fact I've been wondering why he had done.

Tonight, down the street back home, a woman who greeted me did not know.

This time the surprise was twofold. And I wonder Will I have I made friends with the strange women? What a strange experience.

Sunday, April 20, 2008

Male Bikini Wax Brampton

Ten years later.

Where it says "years" put "Years." Where "Calamrao" put "Calamaro". Where "jlx" simply put "stupid." Thanks, now it makes sense. unoriginal

Saturday, April 19, 2008

Can A Hernia Make Testicles Hurt

Who I am?

Seeing that I find myself lately, this post is nothing more than a cut and paste an email you sent me a friend. Nothing

retail but a more or less personal questions, answered as honestly as possible.

I placed it here because I think it's a shallow approach to what, or who I am.

However, in the comments, you can add your questions and also happy to answer them. So you know me, I know myself well. Sure I expected some surprise.

1. Full name: Jose Luis Diez
(As the number, without an accent, please)

2. Why did you get that name?
Well as my father called that play pueees to me too. If you have a child someday I would hope to be called after his grandfather.

3. Do you ask wishing on stars?
This is something I've always been confused. Do I have to make a wish for the duration of the shooting star? If so, joe, I never had time.

4. Last time you cried? Several months ago

5. Pan "to what?
with Nutella, sites with Nutella.

6. Do you like animals?
lot. But I am overwhelmed by the responsibility of having one. I can hardly take care of me and for care of a poor animal.

7. How many children do you have?
None, for now.

8. Do you collaborate with NGOs?

No. 9. If you were another person would be your friend?
I doubt it, step by bullies.

10. Do you have a diary?
No, exactly. But mentally reviewing everything I do every day, and try not to repeat the same mistakes. And the truth is that now I do not think I get it.

11. Are you sarcastic?
depends on the point that I Gilles, but I can have very poor fucks.

12. = "Bungee bungee jump out?
To have the chance, sure. Is anybody coming?

13. What is your favorite cereal?
"Cereal? That is for the birds. Just kidding. The Snacks, the frog of Kellogs. I had to stop taking them because I took three quarters of an hour at breakfast.

14. Do you undo, take it off your shoes before?
depends on how far you get caught in my hands.

15. Think you're strong?
Outside, yes. I have no other choice.

16. Is your favorite ice cream?
The cheesecake ice cream with pieces of chocolate they make in Tortosa ice cream in the street Don Jaime. Here comes the heat, and it makes my mouth water.

19. What foot do you use?
A 43 in the U.S. by 10.5 sneakers, but sometimes depends on the brand.

18. "Red or pink?
I'm not much wine, I'm trying to learn that at least I know all the same. For me now Pink has been less aggressive.

19. What do you dislike about yourself?
many things, but one that most weakens, it's like my hands are shaking when I'm nervous.

20. Who do you miss?
No, a lot of people, luckily for me the most important people stand by me. But I miss my father, fourteen years later and always questions remain. Also a girl I met, and I lost sight of.

21. Would you like to everyone who sent this mail you respond?
course, but it will not happen. (If that happened, a few returned, THANK YOU !!!!)

22. What color pants and shoes you're wearing?
blue jeans and brown shoes. (I'm in my pajamas)

23. Last thing you ate today?
The dinner I had made my mama ... that rich. :-D (strawberries with sugar)

24. What are you listening to right now?
For the last REM album (a compilation of music by an uncle I do not know, very good indeed)

25. Will the last person you talked to on the phone?
With my head, which is no coincidence, because I never talk on the phone with him. Curious. (With Robert B. to say he did not arrive where we had left.)

26. "Favorite drink? Complicated
. Depends on the moment.

27. Favorite sport to watch on TV?
Basketball, of course. But I drink any sport you throw it on TV. So I
curling reached grub. But if I lose a match not suffer.

28. "Favorite food? Well, as I am dining
willingly, it sells a lot between the grandmothers. Well, almost like everything though my love makes a hake stuffed baked ...

29. Final "sad or happy ending?
endings are usually sad, because if not, are not final. Still hope.

30. Do you have pets?

31. "Favourite Day of the Year?
Uhm. Not. A bit selfish, but maybe my birthday.

32. "Kisses or Hugs?
I'm more than hugs.

favorite 33.Postre
Well, again talking about food. "Favorite dessert? The favorite is the dessert.

34. If you are a happy person?
I try.

35. Who do you think will respond?
Well I do not know who you fancy spend a little time.

Boah. If I had to put names, I know three slackers who do not believe that either have just read. (Indeed it was so.)

37.Qué book are you reading?
"In Cold Blood" by Truman Capote. But I'm not engaged, so maybe look for some Perec, I have strongly recommended and seems interesting. 38.Color

The off-white, if only by name.

39. What you saw on TV last night?
Dexter, the first chapter. Marta's direct recommendation and Nico. (Last night I saw on TV.)

40. "Rolling Stones or the Beatles?
The Beatles. Not anything they say I look like Paul.

41. Where is the furthest you've been in your house?

42. A sentence ..
people's strength is not measured by their victories, if not for the times that arise after the defeats.

(answers in brackets are updated answers to this day.)

Sunday, April 13, 2008

Bloon Tower Defence 4 Ipod Touch Walk Through

my head.

I just discovered that my head is a lounge with a lot of doors.

doors that only open inwards.

you gotten inside my head and I can not make out ...

... I hope you do not find the hallway that takes you beyond.

Wednesday, April 2, 2008

Itunes Doesnt Let Me Drag Music

Let's have a plan. 2 º Part

Yes, we have a plan. For when all else fails, when it seems he will not return to the sun, gray days and only threaten the morning.

Let's have a plan for when you look back and have nothing to expect.

'll Tell that lame my hand and take me. There the place I never knew, who always wanted me to wear. That

green meadows and the smell of mint. Wherever the light makes you squint to see. Where the sunsets are tinged with pink, and very still catches you slowly.

I will be in materialized place after the agreed signal, with no more luggage than you, no more load than me.

Yes, we have a plan. Let me think, let me live, let me in the hope that someday everything will take effect ...

... and our plan is carried out.

Sunday, March 23, 2008

Difference Between Canker Sores And Impetigo

Julen Ariztegi: Casually Elegant

Julen Ariztegi , presents its new collection . Elegant with a touch that sets it apart from the classic . Casual and fun. Highlights endings clean, by hand, and tissues.
The right balance between sobriety and original.

Can You Tan Topless On A Cruise Ship

Introducing: Pope Joan

"Designed as a whole, and considering the damage it left in its wake, nervous breakdown, careers destroyed, attempts suicide, broken marriages (and scandalous divorce) - the power Nicola to read the future had taught him a few things very clear: no one ever love her enough, and that those who loved would not be worthy enough to be loved. "
Martin Amis London Fields (excerpt)
Pope Joan
Barcelona by: Volpuk (Sabina Moreno + Eva Bermejo)

Sunday, March 16, 2008

Old Galvanized Bathtubs For Sale

This is the last night here in Grenoble, we are preparing the system to run the last set of measures. We are now, besides tired, a little individual move because at noon we made a mistake and we have to discard all the data we had collected this afternoon.


That command to the computer is that we skipped, and has commanded us to ruin an entire evening of work. Such is life, so the investigation. That is going to do.

But tomorrow I hope that either a mere anecdote, because in fact we got in the bag (or rather in a small pen-drive) a lot of well-made, and personally, an incredible impression of a place where you actually makes high-level research.

only been four days, but it seems we've been here weeks, I've learned many things, including:

"That I have to put batteries in English. That led him loose, loose, and if I can give another turn to French, as well. That will come I'm not wrong.

-still not what is "faux Filette", although I have eaten a couple of times in the canteen of the complex. JI (One of my bosses) told me that means "fake steak, but I know a meat, a little stiff, but meat.

"I'm used to reach the laboratory by bike. The Ring of Syncrotron is so great that there is a service of bicycles, to travel inside the building. Make you go with both hands on the handlebars, but you can ring the bell. It supermolon.

"That must have a Chinese or an Indian research group. That is very cool, very "knife" and also grows well in the photos.

"Let those who live here are able to have breakfast at ten, lunch at half past eleven. Or at least I want ie meal times.

"That if you are in a center where there is a nuclear reactor, and you wake up in the morning with the sound of an alarm-style aerial bombardment, you need not be afraid, probably nothing will happen.

And more things, I tell you that if you want a coffee, dinner or whatever you want. I promise not to talk about physics.

Friday, March 14, 2008

How Do I Know What Size Bow


had said he would not write at a time. Nor would I expect to have these tiemps dead at four in the morning while we wait for an end to run a macro in the diffractometer. To which I hope will not be much because then we have to put a sample new environment which will take us half an hour more. As my boss - "Bah, never mind Jose Luis is accustomed to being awake at this hour on Fridays"

As if he had not said I'm doing at the ESRF Grenoble measures for which we did request for quite some time. This installation is a syncrotron, which amounts to an X-ray lamp rather powerful, allowing us to do in Zaragoza measures are not authorized to do. If not for that we will come here? (Well, to see the Alps, which I think is reason enough) Just now I'm working on Spline, which is the English line of the installation. Yes, although we believe it not an area that is owned by English only, but not all the time is used only for English. The revolutionary tax.

I'm not going to tell you what I've come here because, besides expensive boring would start talking about magnetoelastic constant relaxation in thin films (eh scares, alfinal everything is easier than it sounds)

What if I want to tell you is the journey, or how life is here, as syncrotron ring, or simply as the "hutch" (Very Lost) where I work.

To begin you I can talk about the trip, as always if not seasoned sauce with some contingency and uncertainty, it seems that not one of our trips.

Although we take the AVE to Madrid without problems, and we decks without incident. In line billing first surprise awaited us. A very nice, no, escapades, Air France flight attendant told us that our flight that took us to Lyon was canceled. We just had to be thrown seven hours at the airport Barajas. In return, and to compensate the delay gave us a fabulous meal voucher.

"Great, at least not die of hunger" - After several miles, without exaggeration, to walk to find a restaurant where we exchange the voucher, what we do and in the boarding area. When you're in the area, without having seen the movie, it is inevitable remember Tom Hanks.

I have always called attention to these places step. Train stations (Why would it be?), Buses, the aerouertos. These are sites that no one seems to belong, where every person has a different face, and yet the same. Everything is there, is in a place that does not belong, that is unclaimed. All there is there is banished, not gone.

Buff, how long, and I have not begun. And the macro has not finished. Not when you go to sleep today. Tomorrow, in another execution of these you still counting.

I leave a song from The Killers to me is really cool.

By the way my ankle very well, but an eggplant purple as well. Ivan your father has hands to make bread.

Thursday, March 13, 2008

Carmen Electra On A Cruise Line

the jewels of the invasion

The Carola make their bags by hand craftsmanship, dedication, thoroughness, and much love ...
Each bag is a comprehensive material selection process design and ending with the best finishes.
His philosophy is to recover the jewel-bag concept by extending the profile of a modern woman with a desire to innovate and destacar.Todas the pieces are unique and handmade. Esartesanal production and minority.

Monday, March 10, 2008

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Oh, say luck is on streaks, like waves. Will be true, and now I am in a bad storm. Now to finish my bad luck I busted his ankle in training and leisure. Injuries are common in sport, you might say. But this is the third in less than four months, and possibly more serious. Sera that the injuries as luck also come in spurts. And in this case also have come at a worse time, not by the two half-marathons (Sabiñanigo and VUG-Bay) that would run at the end of the month, but because on Thursday took way to Grenoble, to work for five days at the ESRF, which is really cool, and not if I have to carrying crutches.

But my ankle would recover, and run other media, even back to Grenoble to re-measure ...

... What is not is where it ends my yellow brick road, and while I will do as much damage as many people. Sometimes I feel like a little wax in the dark, I light, I lit up, and then I turn off without warning and knowing that I will not turn on. Meanwhile

tin skin look, and I think if Oz was far away.

Now I hope that you understand my absence these past few days, and I guess you will understand my absence to come, as connecting the turn of France, with spring break saint. This year not because I am looking forward. Thereafter

retake transits, but I think I'll have to make a summary reminder, because last a long time.

Nothing but to wish a good luck streak for the fortnight. A hug and a breath mint.

Tuesday, February 26, 2008

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On the occasion of International Women's Day Worker (March 8) the Holy Housewives invade the Raval, to celebrate with you your well deserved day.

Exhibition in different areas of Raval from 6 to 15 March 2008 expository route Karol Bergeret the sculpture project: Santas Amas de Casa, an endangered species.

The route is as follows:
Ravaltres (Ferlandina 22): Santas Amas de Casa Provider and Electrical
Karen Foix (Ferlandina 49): Santa
Housewife Waitress
The Col. piper school (Lluna 6): Santa Seamstress Homemaker
Pepi's Hair Dressers (Ferlandina 30): Santa Homemaker Cleaning
Workshop Ideas Barcelona (Sant Vicent 33): Santas Amas de Casa Nurse and ironer
Gemma Pamplona (Lluna 27): Santa Housewife Lavandera .
you are more than welcome.

Monday, February 25, 2008

Invitation Card For First Death Anniversary

Domestic Doors to Art Plastic Fantastic

Discover how to eliminate the intensity entering the colors, enjoy the consciousness of the composition and release the structure to open the senses.

Cesar Lopez exhibited his pieces:

  • Star, Size: 210x170cm approx.
  • Force, 120x80cm approx.
  • La Femme , 70x40cm approx.
  • Svadhistana Christ, 60x50cm approx.
  • Taurus (triptych) , 130x210cm approx. (Open).

The artist usually works with wood as a support, using mixed media mixing in each piece, recycling, pigments, resin, gold leaf, rose petals, phosphorescent and fluorescent paints.

addition to the works of Cesar Lopez for the opening we have the music project alive Ousedite presenting PuRedaDA (MUZIkforDadapeople!).
Opening Thursday 28 February at 20:30 in Ravaltres
I hope.

Tuesday, February 19, 2008

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Luck Regards.

Memories are like a bad home every so often you start your pay. Have the virtue of patience and know how to bide his time for anyone to visit again. In this case again as a binder, powder and time.

When you search, sometimes you find what you do not want see.

Finally, we will leave it there until the next visit.

Sunday, February 17, 2008

Bob Long Empire Intimidator


Although the entry has the title of Agatha Christie, the thing has nothing to do. Navigating the vast network I found the picture below.

What do you see?

, they say if you see the "dancer" in the sense turning clockwise, you have a brain of an artist. More dedicated to the sensations and feelings toward music and literature. Then use your right brain more. However, if you see her spinning in the opposite direction clockwise, your dominant hemisphere is the left, more calculating and schematic, more dedicated to solving problems.

Well, okay, I see her turning counter clockwise to thus my dominant left hemisphere, the calculator. What a surprise, I'm physical and I had not noticed. The result was predictable.

What I do not just believe is that someone will see it spinning in the opposite direction. I'm still being physical, and I do not see, because I do not think so. Although rather in this case is Why I can not see turning the other way? Please

In what sense are seeing "dance" to the girl?

PS: While the entry just written, I have seen her dancing in the sense of clockwise. Ergo my right hemisphere is still alive, a little suffocation under the yoke of my cold, calculating hemi-left, but even still there.

Thursday, February 14, 2008

Whey Protien, Rosecea

Heaven. San Valientin

Today the sky I've spent a drop.

Walking down the street I noticed a pat on the head. I looked up and told me.
the dedico.
-Te-As I winked.
"As if you had not done before .- I thought and in fact I continued walking.

This song is simply magnificent. The girl who sings making collaboration is Nina Persson of The Cardigans "

Wednesday, February 13, 2008

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know, I belong to that group of misfits who hate Valentine's Day, and maybe what is going to say no more than a repetition of what we heard in many places. That

correct me if I'm wrong, but I think I've ever given anything for this day. Will think that little romantic, and perhaps you are right. But in my opinion, it is necessary to declare a day as a day of love. It would be a shame that the rest of the year we should remember what is it that makes the blood is hot.

think, and I still think, than any other day is as good as the conclusion, but nevertheless one should not go without the show. It is not necessary that a diamond bracelet, gold earrings, even a bunch of thirteen red roses to show love, but keep safety in disease'll look after you, I'll walk in solitude, I will be your support in difficult times and you'll miss when you're not. This will not come on February 14 but will then celebrate Valentine's Day.

However, if you want to celebrate today. Go ahead. Today is a day like any other to do so. Do not hold back. Feliz San Valientin

Tuesday, February 5, 2008

Ruger 10/22 Wood Stock

Transits (VI)


Where were the opponents of such a spirited battle? I could not believe, again had vanished like a dream, as if nothing had happened.

was so surprised to rid my steps with the same speed with which they had fled. Examine the platform going around about myself, discovering that nothing is just nothingness itself. Stone those meters were so empty that even I seemed to be something. Assuming

have escaped running I just started scanning the horizon. There I saw the barriers, even lying down, waiting for the key which led both looking for. I turned in the opposite direction, seeing the nothing in the distance is as large as the closest, because there just was nothing.

not yet convinced of my inspection so I would still turn to the train tracks, when you feel a tug on the sleeve of my jacket. I decided to turn a new surprise waiting yet again nothing. A new flip

made me see that the end of my search was more down, pulling my sleeve, demanding my attention, waiting with a beautiful smile.


A girl, beautiful, thin skin like the wings of a butterfly, with eyes of blue sea on a sunny day. Blonde, to think that his hair had faded, and with straight hair, which more is to look like a weeping willow swayed in the breeze.

"Hi. Who are you?

I asked again with the bravery of children.

- And you? Where are you going with that bunch of flowers?

The tranquility that emanated that caused a girl on my unusual curiosity, so I noticed that one bunch of daisies in his hands.

"They're for mom, dad and I've taken, because she likes a lot. Why are you here alone?

seemed that she had done the same curiosity, she had produced in me.
like my dad.

I said before I could answer to the previous question. Sitting on the ground, and crossing my legs, I made a gesture to sit in front of me.

did. So to answer.

"So you think I have the same look as your father?
"Same, same. No. I think something similar. Maybe yours has more wrinkles here.

As I pointed a finger Inquisitor small space between my eyebrows.

The truth is that a verb distilled párvula easy, and the conversation with her was anything but boring. In the short time we share words gave him time to tell how well I spent Saturday morning breakfast and bed sharing with parents. How much he liked jelly beans, especially those who knew of licorice. Me singing in harmony as small as talented as a beautiful song about how one can breathe for someone.

many things, that those few minutes seemed like years, almost a lifetime.

"I have to go.

I said suddenly.

- Already?
"Yes, if not maybe my parents are worried.
"In that case, you should go. We must not let your parents worry about their child.

Thus, with a smile, got up and gave me back. Started walking, but not in a hurry, but when only had a couple of steps turned. And I wonder.

- When we meet again tomorrow?
"No, I think not. Gone tomorrow. Maybe another day.
"Okay, but do not forget.
"Do not worry, I certainly will not forget.

Knowing that only the second time he had not lied, I saw her leave and enter the station through the door before I had been refused entry.

I was there. Sitting for a long period of time. Enjoying the quiet that the visit had left me, discovering that the weight on my shoulders was less now. Thus let my back fall to the ground, in the same way to stop my eyelids to ensure my eyes, in the same way that my body fall asleep.

Tuesday, January 29, 2008

Tiles With Grout Peel


If you do not know the belts and buckles Garbanzito.com in Ravaltres can find them. The supplements are made in colors of "plastic-fantastic." Discover the different models of snaps: "pacman", "Ghosts", "flowers" "Animals" for them and them.

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"My clothes are my memories. A desire to forever capture the senses and feelings. They are to play, to dream, to wonder ...".
Made with much love and attention to detail, the dress of Eva Orive become timeless pieces of such quality as the tissues that manufactures each piece and worked as a single piece each.