Sunday, February 17, 2008

Bob Long Empire Intimidator


Although the entry has the title of Agatha Christie, the thing has nothing to do. Navigating the vast network I found the picture below.

What do you see?

, they say if you see the "dancer" in the sense turning clockwise, you have a brain of an artist. More dedicated to the sensations and feelings toward music and literature. Then use your right brain more. However, if you see her spinning in the opposite direction clockwise, your dominant hemisphere is the left, more calculating and schematic, more dedicated to solving problems.

Well, okay, I see her turning counter clockwise to thus my dominant left hemisphere, the calculator. What a surprise, I'm physical and I had not noticed. The result was predictable.

What I do not just believe is that someone will see it spinning in the opposite direction. I'm still being physical, and I do not see, because I do not think so. Although rather in this case is Why I can not see turning the other way? Please

In what sense are seeing "dance" to the girl?

PS: While the entry just written, I have seen her dancing in the sense of clockwise. Ergo my right hemisphere is still alive, a little suffocation under the yoke of my cold, calculating hemi-left, but even still there.


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