Sunday, March 16, 2008

Old Galvanized Bathtubs For Sale

This is the last night here in Grenoble, we are preparing the system to run the last set of measures. We are now, besides tired, a little individual move because at noon we made a mistake and we have to discard all the data we had collected this afternoon.


That command to the computer is that we skipped, and has commanded us to ruin an entire evening of work. Such is life, so the investigation. That is going to do.

But tomorrow I hope that either a mere anecdote, because in fact we got in the bag (or rather in a small pen-drive) a lot of well-made, and personally, an incredible impression of a place where you actually makes high-level research.

only been four days, but it seems we've been here weeks, I've learned many things, including:

"That I have to put batteries in English. That led him loose, loose, and if I can give another turn to French, as well. That will come I'm not wrong.

-still not what is "faux Filette", although I have eaten a couple of times in the canteen of the complex. JI (One of my bosses) told me that means "fake steak, but I know a meat, a little stiff, but meat.

"I'm used to reach the laboratory by bike. The Ring of Syncrotron is so great that there is a service of bicycles, to travel inside the building. Make you go with both hands on the handlebars, but you can ring the bell. It supermolon.

"That must have a Chinese or an Indian research group. That is very cool, very "knife" and also grows well in the photos.

"Let those who live here are able to have breakfast at ten, lunch at half past eleven. Or at least I want ie meal times.

"That if you are in a center where there is a nuclear reactor, and you wake up in the morning with the sound of an alarm-style aerial bombardment, you need not be afraid, probably nothing will happen.

And more things, I tell you that if you want a coffee, dinner or whatever you want. I promise not to talk about physics.


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