Wednesday, April 2, 2008

Itunes Doesnt Let Me Drag Music

Let's have a plan. 2 º Part

Yes, we have a plan. For when all else fails, when it seems he will not return to the sun, gray days and only threaten the morning.

Let's have a plan for when you look back and have nothing to expect.

'll Tell that lame my hand and take me. There the place I never knew, who always wanted me to wear. That

green meadows and the smell of mint. Wherever the light makes you squint to see. Where the sunsets are tinged with pink, and very still catches you slowly.

I will be in materialized place after the agreed signal, with no more luggage than you, no more load than me.

Yes, we have a plan. Let me think, let me live, let me in the hope that someday everything will take effect ...

... and our plan is carried out.


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