Wednesday, March 3, 2010

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Tournament February 22 to 25, 2010 Confirmed


"new promotion"

During the last week of February (from 22 to 25) is Climb the traditional organized tournament that culminates with Pre-Season Summer Training. Although attendance of chess players from other places was low (caused by carried out by the Metropolitan Regional Youth in parallel) but served to promote three good chess players: Luis Sayaverdi, Fabricio Espinoza and Juan Alonso Delgado, who were promoted to Third category. Lo Sayaverdi was almost epic: in the later rounds rallied an adverse situation that required to win every game for promotion. Reached 4.5 points and hence the promotion. Fabricio Espinoza was solid in several games, and maybe even let out one other point. But if it continues perhaps before the end of the year could be rising to First, as already noted an "off" in relation to their previous game. And we need players like to ADECORE, especially in the junior, current holder of the title. Outstanding performance from Juan Alonso Delgado. A player who just needs more experience in these conflicts. Except the last game, he should not lose his game almost did not show cracks. This is another good players who have appeared recently, hard style that will be necessary in ADECORE. Of other students, Jhon Monroy was about to ascend to the third category. But in reality, the lack of experience passed the bill in the last game. We are confident that the next will be better results. Very good performances, although not been promoted, the Alejandro Robles, Gerard Sotelo, Marko Pariguana, Jesus Huerta, Braulio Vilela, Miguel Hernández, Antonio Cuadros, Paola and Sergio Concepcion Ordinola who show progress in his game. Sotelo Sebastian Montoya and Kendall ... again eluded them promotion.

of the chess "outsiders" very good chess players campaigns of Puente Piedra: Anthony Acuna, Albert and Bryan Mayta Malaver (were promoted to Third Category) and Deivid Mayta (won promotion to the Second Category) Congratulations to Coach Julio Sierra, who is doing a fine job and mass media in Puente Piedra Chess.

information to complete the third ascent we should mention the good campaign Pablo Urbina (in the end, the Champion) who did not lose a game and Humberto Alva, enthusiastic participant in the armed forces who also won promotion.

The Ascent to the Second Category, few participants. We had to make a double tournament, except that the second was "dragged" as initial scores the final scores of the first tournament. Color exchange was performed in the second tournament. So did the promotion and the championship, Mr. Gamero Saul who had just one defeat at the hands of Will Delgado. In second place was the aforementioned Deivid Mayta. Thirdly, but not promoted to Second, ranked Juan Alvaro Delgado, who had good games throughout the tournament, but could not be realized in wins. However, it is one player whose presence is essential ADECORE. Will Delgado was irregular. Really missed something else in the game, the force required to maintain tension in the final stages of the game.

In the first category climb to the tournament will be graced with the presence of 2 strong players: Mr. Tito Alberto Jurado Apolinar and made the tournament is really hard. There were very good games. At the end champion Gustavo Gutierrez with some authority (made a mistake inexcusable product of a distraction against Apollinaris, who was winning by a pawn.) Tied for second place but not to ascend, the jury found and Apollonian. Jurado took a loss to Gutiérrez (in a very aggressive game played by Gustavo) and Apolinar was defeated by William Monroe in a game where William sprayed the kingside and then chasing the enemy king and almost kills him in the middle. Despite these defeats, they managed to climb to the top. But the last round will play each other aside. After a great battle on the board, both had to settle for a draw and so none could rise.

Final results they can be viewed at the following links:

Final Table SAG Upgrade to First Class Upgrade Final Table
February2010 to Category Two Final Table SAG February2010
Climb to Third Category SAG February2010


Gutierrez (left) took first place in the First Category
William Monroe was showcased in this game. Promoted to First Category

a panorama of play

Julio Sierra PuentePedrino The teacher and his pupils were the surprise of the tournament

Will vs Juan Delgado Alvaro Delgado ... Black's victory

Fabricio Espinoza and Juan Alonso Delgado were promoted to Third deservedly very well crafted items ...

(2nd place) the puentepedrino Anthony Acuna (bliancas) got up after a good campaign ...
Bryan (4th table) every day to improve your game ... First can be reached before the end of 2010 ..

Luis Sayaverdi was promoted dramatically ...

Jhon Monroy (right) stopped short of promotion. Gerard Sotelo

Gerard Sotelo difficult game ...

(front) Alejandro Robles, Sayaverdi Alonso, Antonio and Sergio Cuadros Ordinola

Jesus Huerta, Marko Pariguana and Kendall Sotelo

As I now ... Sergio Ordinola seems to ask ...

by Carlos Javier Uria López


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