Tuesday, February 26, 2008

Trainee Dental Cover Letter


On the occasion of International Women's Day Worker (March 8) the Holy Housewives invade the Raval, to celebrate with you your well deserved day.

Exhibition in different areas of Raval from 6 to 15 March 2008 expository route Karol Bergeret the sculpture project: Santas Amas de Casa, an endangered species.

The route is as follows:
Ravaltres (Ferlandina 22): Santas Amas de Casa Provider and Electrical
Karen Foix (Ferlandina 49): Santa
Housewife Waitress
The Col. piper school (Lluna 6): Santa Seamstress Homemaker
Pepi's Hair Dressers (Ferlandina 30): Santa Homemaker Cleaning
Workshop Ideas Barcelona (Sant Vicent 33): Santas Amas de Casa Nurse and ironer
Gemma Pamplona (Lluna 27): Santa Housewife Lavandera .
you are more than welcome.

Monday, February 25, 2008

Invitation Card For First Death Anniversary

Domestic Doors to Art Plastic Fantastic

Discover how to eliminate the intensity entering the colors, enjoy the consciousness of the composition and release the structure to open the senses.

Cesar Lopez exhibited his pieces:

  • Star, Size: 210x170cm approx.
  • Force, 120x80cm approx.
  • La Femme , 70x40cm approx.
  • Svadhistana Christ, 60x50cm approx.
  • Taurus (triptych) , 130x210cm approx. (Open).

The artist usually works with wood as a support, using mixed media mixing in each piece, recycling, pigments, resin, gold leaf, rose petals, phosphorescent and fluorescent paints.

addition to the works of Cesar Lopez for the opening we have the music project alive Ousedite presenting PuRedaDA (MUZIkforDadapeople!).
Opening Thursday 28 February at 20:30 in Ravaltres
I hope.

Tuesday, February 19, 2008

Most Common Winning Pick Three Numbers

Luck Regards.

Memories are like a bad home every so often you start your pay. Have the virtue of patience and know how to bide his time for anyone to visit again. In this case again as a binder, powder and time.

When you search, sometimes you find what you do not want see.

Finally, we will leave it there until the next visit.

Sunday, February 17, 2008

Bob Long Empire Intimidator


Although the entry has the title of Agatha Christie, the thing has nothing to do. Navigating the vast network I found the picture below.

What do you see?

, they say if you see the "dancer" in the sense turning clockwise, you have a brain of an artist. More dedicated to the sensations and feelings toward music and literature. Then use your right brain more. However, if you see her spinning in the opposite direction clockwise, your dominant hemisphere is the left, more calculating and schematic, more dedicated to solving problems.

Well, okay, I see her turning counter clockwise to thus my dominant left hemisphere, the calculator. What a surprise, I'm physical and I had not noticed. The result was predictable.

What I do not just believe is that someone will see it spinning in the opposite direction. I'm still being physical, and I do not see, because I do not think so. Although rather in this case is Why I can not see turning the other way? Please

In what sense are seeing "dance" to the girl?

PS: While the entry just written, I have seen her dancing in the sense of clockwise. Ergo my right hemisphere is still alive, a little suffocation under the yoke of my cold, calculating hemi-left, but even still there.

Thursday, February 14, 2008

Whey Protien, Rosecea

Heaven. San Valientin

Today the sky I've spent a drop.

Walking down the street I noticed a pat on the head. I looked up and told me.
the dedico.
-Te-As I winked.
"As if you had not done before .- I thought and in fact I continued walking.

This song is simply magnificent. The girl who sings making collaboration is Nina Persson of The Cardigans "

Wednesday, February 13, 2008

Best Running Shoesfor Narrow Feet


know, I belong to that group of misfits who hate Valentine's Day, and maybe what is going to say no more than a repetition of what we heard in many places. That

correct me if I'm wrong, but I think I've ever given anything for this day. Will think that little romantic, and perhaps you are right. But in my opinion, it is necessary to declare a day as a day of love. It would be a shame that the rest of the year we should remember what is it that makes the blood is hot.

think, and I still think, than any other day is as good as the conclusion, but nevertheless one should not go without the show. It is not necessary that a diamond bracelet, gold earrings, even a bunch of thirteen red roses to show love, but keep safety in disease'll look after you, I'll walk in solitude, I will be your support in difficult times and you'll miss when you're not. This will not come on February 14 but will then celebrate Valentine's Day.

However, if you want to celebrate today. Go ahead. Today is a day like any other to do so. Do not hold back. Feliz San Valientin

Tuesday, February 5, 2008

Ruger 10/22 Wood Stock

Transits (VI)


Where were the opponents of such a spirited battle? I could not believe, again had vanished like a dream, as if nothing had happened.

was so surprised to rid my steps with the same speed with which they had fled. Examine the platform going around about myself, discovering that nothing is just nothingness itself. Stone those meters were so empty that even I seemed to be something. Assuming

have escaped running I just started scanning the horizon. There I saw the barriers, even lying down, waiting for the key which led both looking for. I turned in the opposite direction, seeing the nothing in the distance is as large as the closest, because there just was nothing.

not yet convinced of my inspection so I would still turn to the train tracks, when you feel a tug on the sleeve of my jacket. I decided to turn a new surprise waiting yet again nothing. A new flip

made me see that the end of my search was more down, pulling my sleeve, demanding my attention, waiting with a beautiful smile.


A girl, beautiful, thin skin like the wings of a butterfly, with eyes of blue sea on a sunny day. Blonde, to think that his hair had faded, and with straight hair, which more is to look like a weeping willow swayed in the breeze.

"Hi. Who are you?

I asked again with the bravery of children.

- And you? Where are you going with that bunch of flowers?

The tranquility that emanated that caused a girl on my unusual curiosity, so I noticed that one bunch of daisies in his hands.

"They're for mom, dad and I've taken, because she likes a lot. Why are you here alone?

seemed that she had done the same curiosity, she had produced in me.
like my dad.

I said before I could answer to the previous question. Sitting on the ground, and crossing my legs, I made a gesture to sit in front of me.

did. So to answer.

"So you think I have the same look as your father?
"Same, same. No. I think something similar. Maybe yours has more wrinkles here.

As I pointed a finger Inquisitor small space between my eyebrows.

The truth is that a verb distilled párvula easy, and the conversation with her was anything but boring. In the short time we share words gave him time to tell how well I spent Saturday morning breakfast and bed sharing with parents. How much he liked jelly beans, especially those who knew of licorice. Me singing in harmony as small as talented as a beautiful song about how one can breathe for someone.

many things, that those few minutes seemed like years, almost a lifetime.

"I have to go.

I said suddenly.

- Already?
"Yes, if not maybe my parents are worried.
"In that case, you should go. We must not let your parents worry about their child.

Thus, with a smile, got up and gave me back. Started walking, but not in a hurry, but when only had a couple of steps turned. And I wonder.

- When we meet again tomorrow?
"No, I think not. Gone tomorrow. Maybe another day.
"Okay, but do not forget.
"Do not worry, I certainly will not forget.

Knowing that only the second time he had not lied, I saw her leave and enter the station through the door before I had been refused entry.

I was there. Sitting for a long period of time. Enjoying the quiet that the visit had left me, discovering that the weight on my shoulders was less now. Thus let my back fall to the ground, in the same way to stop my eyelids to ensure my eyes, in the same way that my body fall asleep.