Thursday, February 23, 2006

Sim City 4 Airport Crime

A Village Museum for the People


Regional Museum Juárez Valley welcomes you with open arms. As will describe in this blog, the Museum works with great enthusiasm and dedication, even though no federal grants, state or city, but these limitations do not diminish the quality of this museum.

  • Without state subsidies.
  • 3.000 visitors per month.
  • international recognition.
  • The only one that does not cost the taxpayers for their operation.
  • Open 365 days a year.

Enjoy this blog's Museum, which will showcase the various events that take place in their facilities, photo galleries of the museum's collection, as well as the open invitation to all visitors to leave us for their comments. Visit
Valley Regional Museum Juarez: Carretera Juárez-Porvenir
km. 29
CP 32721 Tel
(656) 621-4179


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