Thursday, February 23, 2006

Do Father And Son Have Similar Penises

The Museo Regional del Valle de Juárez , also known as San Agustin Museum , was formed in 1982 on the initiative of Professor Manuel Robles Flores, then director of the State Primary School St. Augustine, who, seeing that several important pieces of historical value were being brought to the United States or sold to the highest bidder, organized the children to begin the task of rescuing all the pieces of historical value or archaeological character which will be located in the region of Valle de Juarez.
heaves many things that were at ground level, in fact, most of the pieces currently in the Museum, were acquired in this way, because to date there have been no excavation or study one of the region on its historical, archaeological or paleontological. Only took effect assessment and provision was to protect some sites, by the National Institute of Anthropology and History (INAH). There has been no investment to rescue those places valuable parts and assemble them as part of our hsitórico legacy.
The Museum is located in a school building that served for 50 years and is now restored and fitted out to exhibit the pieces it contains.


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