Monday, April 24, 2006

How Do You Get Herpes On Forehead


This coming Sunday April 30, 2006, will take place the exhibition "The Magic Trunk", or students of Rosario Castellanos Institute of Ciudad Juárez, Chihuahua.
Some notes on this show, the coordinators gave us the arts of the Institute. Students exhibitors are:

Rocio Arenas Guereca

Catalina Jiménez Salazar Martínez Larissa Bibianco
Gardea David Alejandro Morales Murillo
Moses Rivera Alejandro Sarabia Garma

A note of thanks for Mr. Rodolfo Mendoza Balderrama, Committee Chair Body:
"It's always gratifying to thank the teacher Manuel Robles Flores, director of the Museo Regional del Valle de Juárez, the opportunity presented by this cultural space to all artists, without distinction of creed or sizes.
Thank you for allowing inthe present award-winning works of Art regional competition held earlier this month, where our aluno obtained a prominent place in the hand of our fellow educators and Painter Cristy Gardea.
What would border art and culture, without people like Professor Robles. "

On this page will be included a link to the online album of photographs of the exhibition is taken, and some decent photos up here.

Wednesday, March 15, 2006

The Cheaters Korean Movie Zshare


front of the Museum.

Monday, February 27, 2006

Quadriderm Where It Sales


Click on map to enlarge.
Directions to Valley Regional Museum Juárez. Take
Gomez Morin Avenue (Juárez-Porvenir road), to Zaragoza, Sauzal, San Isidro to San Augustine. And in St. Augustine, following the announcements found on the road. Is on the same road.
Time Arrival: Juarez - San Agustín, 30 minutes, approx.
whole road is completely paved.
Image: Encarta

Friday, February 24, 2006

Magnetic Studs In Calgary Claire's


Although the museum is not widely recognized by the official publications of museums, both state and national recognition having been awarded internationally.
In Germany, he is listed as a museum. It is also the only museum that does not cost the taxpayers for their operation, as it had with the salary earned by the director of the state primary school and later with his retirement. Currently the museum has five rooms through a substantial donation from Mr. Federico De La Vega Matews, major local businessman.
is the only museum in the town that has a municipal public library and who work 365 days a year, and one more in a leap year, serving more than 3,000 people per month. Are taught in metal spinning workshops, crafts and recycled newsprint.
Tourism Department of the State Government supported the climate facilities, security and lighting in two of its divisions, and the INAH (National Institute of Anthropology and History) with the installation of the museum script.
The Museum is headquarters of the Border Regional Coordinator of Non-Governmental Organizations, and the Binational Coalition Against Toxic and Radioactive Dumping fought battle against nuclear waste dump in Sierra Blanca, Texas. Currently, avoca to fight against the re-opening of ASARCO smelter in El Paso, Texas, be it a danger to the population of both cities for their emissions of lead and arsenic the environment.

Thursday, February 23, 2006

Morgentaler Clinic General Anesthesia

Museum Collections at the Museum Professor Manuel Robles Flores

Among the collections that comprise the Museo Regional del Valle de Juárez, can appreciate:
  1. Tethis Sea Collection, covering the states of Chihuahua, Texas and Coahuila, and whose beaches come to be the limits of the state of Arizona.
  2. Parts for your research are not yet scheduled. Mineralogy
  3. Stock.
  4. Stock ancient cultures related parts for Pueblo Indians who inhabited this part of northern Mexico.
  5. Collection of Finance, based on historical events about the defeat of Mexico in the war against Texas and the subsequent signing of the Treaty of Guadalupe Hidalgo; time they formed the first settlements in the Valley of Juárez. Collection
  6. Mexican Revolution in Northern Mexico.
  7. Various collections of antiques donated by the people.
Annex to the Museum, is the Public Library, with approximately 8,500 volumes.

Do Father And Son Have Similar Penises

The Museo Regional del Valle de Juárez , also known as San Agustin Museum , was formed in 1982 on the initiative of Professor Manuel Robles Flores, then director of the State Primary School St. Augustine, who, seeing that several important pieces of historical value were being brought to the United States or sold to the highest bidder, organized the children to begin the task of rescuing all the pieces of historical value or archaeological character which will be located in the region of Valle de Juarez.
heaves many things that were at ground level, in fact, most of the pieces currently in the Museum, were acquired in this way, because to date there have been no excavation or study one of the region on its historical, archaeological or paleontological. Only took effect assessment and provision was to protect some sites, by the National Institute of Anthropology and History (INAH). There has been no investment to rescue those places valuable parts and assemble them as part of our hsitórico legacy.
The Museum is located in a school building that served for 50 years and is now restored and fitted out to exhibit the pieces it contains.

Sim City 4 Airport Crime

A Village Museum for the People


Regional Museum Juárez Valley welcomes you with open arms. As will describe in this blog, the Museum works with great enthusiasm and dedication, even though no federal grants, state or city, but these limitations do not diminish the quality of this museum.

  • Without state subsidies.
  • 3.000 visitors per month.
  • international recognition.
  • The only one that does not cost the taxpayers for their operation.
  • Open 365 days a year.

Enjoy this blog's Museum, which will showcase the various events that take place in their facilities, photo galleries of the museum's collection, as well as the open invitation to all visitors to leave us for their comments. Visit
Valley Regional Museum Juarez: Carretera Juárez-Porvenir
km. 29
CP 32721 Tel
(656) 621-4179