Tuesday, October 14, 2008

I Am 7 Dpo My Cervix Is Low And Hard

The days when things change.

Under this title is an entry that I wanted to write for a long time, perhaps should have been an early, yet only now when it seems that I dare to write about it.

people like it or not, we move in routine behavior, in fact, and believe it or not, look for them. We are dedicated to find a life based on a routine as close to our tastes, but a routine after all. Do not believe me? Think then what you have just tired the first few days of a shift work, home, etc. The routine is still not defined and this causes us extra effort.

This is not bad, every day we have to work and unfortunately have to have a schedule.

what you really want to talk, no day is routine, but on the break, and they also do forever. These days, I know well, and I would presentároslos before it alone.

I remember them well ...

You wake up, and take your "normal" day like nothing happened, you're happier than you, maybe your ideal routine, maybe not, but it is your routine, your plans, your life. You're not have not noticed, or you will, but nothing sounds the same today, everything sounds dull, like you're in a music studio, there is background noise. Although not think I remember them well.

Then, at any given time, the fact the pump, the line of no return, from that moment nothing will be the same. Nothing. From my experience and personality, the attempt to pass bad shots and bad-tasting medicine, fast and saying "and this" but I still taste this bitter pill.

take it as you want, this is very personal, and the truth, my method is not her best. After repeated barbaric.

Once past the first wave, look around, and discover that your feet have a new puzzle that compose your life. And the point is that not all the parts you had. There will be rebuilt again, find new pieces, learning to see the holes that you can not fill. So the confusion is brutal. Starting state of shock. During this time, or feel, or suffer only this, is something akin to withdrawal symptoms, your body wants to return to routine, but you can not give it. Landing

shock, hours, days, ... later, then you become aware that you have to start ordering again, wherever you can only encourage, but can not help you, in your head. So gather the pieces you are, I'll do with new ones, and discover others that you had to be taken into account before.

These days are there, and are unavoidable, are part of life. From them, recovered the routine, another routine, sooner or later, better or worse, that if at any time you've stopped living your life.

I have had two of these fucking days. The first fifteen years ago, the day when my father died. The cost to us back on their feet, but we did, my mother, my brothers and me. And I say that now we are happy, there has been a key player who did not want to put back into the puzzle, but smaller ones have come to us to look with pride the part we stayed in the road.

Another was just a year and a half ago, when half of my life decided that all was not enough. And if I stay with half the pieces. That is going to do, life gives you things that people take away. And if reconstructing the puzzle, with a difference, that now all the pieces are mine, and i do not need any.

And if I like the color you have now. If you want to show it, even you change a tab.

One of the pieces of this puzzle comes from this new blog, and is composed of all that I have / have you been. From this I can only give thanks.

Monday, October 6, 2008

Cockroach White Fecal Matter

Me me.

I'm very happy, this is my first "me me", and also comes amid What else I can ask?

1. ¿Are you happy?
I try. I decided that I want to be more happy, or firefighter, or astronaut, or browser, just happy. And that I work every day.

2. What are you doing on Sunday?
Sincerely, recover from Saturday night. I'm getting older, and excess costs me more and more overcome.

3. What is the poem that you have impacted your life?
this poem. It has always seemed perfect.

Naked you are simple as one of your hands:
flat, land, minimum, round, transparent. You
moon lines, apple pathways.
Naked you are slender as a naked grain of wheat.

Naked you are blue as a night in Cuba:
have vines and stars in her hair. Nude

are round and yellow as summer in a golden church.

Naked you are tiny as your fingernail:
curved, subtle, rosy, till the day comes
and get into the underground world

like a long tunnel of clothing and of chores: your clear light dims
is dressed, drops its leaves again
and again a bare hand.

4. Why forego for love?
Give up? In love there is surrendered, the love is shared, and yeah, I share everything.

5. What did you do crazy things for love?
Everything about love is a madness, and yet at the same time is the most prudent thing you can do.

6. What do you like most about you?
My stupidity makes my life sooo easy.

7. How do you feel in the city where you live? Zaragoza
I love, nor small, neither large nor far or near any place, people are good, intense weather, and also is nearly flat so I can ride a bicycle almost everywhere.

8. What you failed to do in this life you lead?
goodbye to my father. Open your eyes when reality tarnished dreams. Sing, dance and learn English.

9. What zodiac sign resources and what you like about him? I
Virgo perooo ... not. What the symbol of the sign is usually a girl out?

10. What things are lost when you were little and would like to return?
All the children is unique.

11. What is the last work you have done?
Then make a program to calculate the 2nd derivative function of height leakage magnetic field produced by a network of nanowires of Ni / Cu, which is measured by the MFM. It's something super fun that has taken me a week of work.

'm not sure, but I think now I must add a question. By the way:

12. What is the question you left to do?
"This is it worth? Purification Garcia on Friday, before paying his shirt and tie for the wedding of Kay.

And hoping that the authors reach the "Me me" the transfer to:
- The lousy magician.
- The Mediterranean Cris.
- The silent melody.

And of course the Club blue, but not the obligation to do so as not to be repeated in the entries.

Friday, October 3, 2008

Buy Mac Full Coverage Online

And Zero ...

not panic, Ravaltres no longer exists, but we are full of projects and ideas we are sure you will love.
Meanwhile we wait for "The Other , where of course you will find our collections and the vast majority of the designers we work with. Aim
.: Pz. Martorell Vincenç 2 / 3, Barcelona (three minutes walk from Ferlandina 22).
To see map click here: Getting
Cuanquier doubt you can also write to: ravaltres@gmail.com
Thanks again for your interest.