Monday, April 28, 2008

Household Masterbation Lubercants


Funny, this morning walking down the power I have come across a woman who did not know anything. And I greeted him.

His face has been evident surprise, almost as much as mine, that in fact I've been wondering why he had done.

Tonight, down the street back home, a woman who greeted me did not know.

This time the surprise was twofold. And I wonder Will I have I made friends with the strange women? What a strange experience.

Sunday, April 20, 2008

Male Bikini Wax Brampton

Ten years later.

Where it says "years" put "Years." Where "Calamrao" put "Calamaro". Where "jlx" simply put "stupid." Thanks, now it makes sense. unoriginal

Saturday, April 19, 2008

Can A Hernia Make Testicles Hurt

Who I am?

Seeing that I find myself lately, this post is nothing more than a cut and paste an email you sent me a friend. Nothing

retail but a more or less personal questions, answered as honestly as possible.

I placed it here because I think it's a shallow approach to what, or who I am.

However, in the comments, you can add your questions and also happy to answer them. So you know me, I know myself well. Sure I expected some surprise.

1. Full name: Jose Luis Diez
(As the number, without an accent, please)

2. Why did you get that name?
Well as my father called that play pueees to me too. If you have a child someday I would hope to be called after his grandfather.

3. Do you ask wishing on stars?
This is something I've always been confused. Do I have to make a wish for the duration of the shooting star? If so, joe, I never had time.

4. Last time you cried? Several months ago

5. Pan "to what?
with Nutella, sites with Nutella.

6. Do you like animals?
lot. But I am overwhelmed by the responsibility of having one. I can hardly take care of me and for care of a poor animal.

7. How many children do you have?
None, for now.

8. Do you collaborate with NGOs?

No. 9. If you were another person would be your friend?
I doubt it, step by bullies.

10. Do you have a diary?
No, exactly. But mentally reviewing everything I do every day, and try not to repeat the same mistakes. And the truth is that now I do not think I get it.

11. Are you sarcastic?
depends on the point that I Gilles, but I can have very poor fucks.

12. = "Bungee bungee jump out?
To have the chance, sure. Is anybody coming?

13. What is your favorite cereal?
"Cereal? That is for the birds. Just kidding. The Snacks, the frog of Kellogs. I had to stop taking them because I took three quarters of an hour at breakfast.

14. Do you undo, take it off your shoes before?
depends on how far you get caught in my hands.

15. Think you're strong?
Outside, yes. I have no other choice.

16. Is your favorite ice cream?
The cheesecake ice cream with pieces of chocolate they make in Tortosa ice cream in the street Don Jaime. Here comes the heat, and it makes my mouth water.

19. What foot do you use?
A 43 in the U.S. by 10.5 sneakers, but sometimes depends on the brand.

18. "Red or pink?
I'm not much wine, I'm trying to learn that at least I know all the same. For me now Pink has been less aggressive.

19. What do you dislike about yourself?
many things, but one that most weakens, it's like my hands are shaking when I'm nervous.

20. Who do you miss?
No, a lot of people, luckily for me the most important people stand by me. But I miss my father, fourteen years later and always questions remain. Also a girl I met, and I lost sight of.

21. Would you like to everyone who sent this mail you respond?
course, but it will not happen. (If that happened, a few returned, THANK YOU !!!!)

22. What color pants and shoes you're wearing?
blue jeans and brown shoes. (I'm in my pajamas)

23. Last thing you ate today?
The dinner I had made my mama ... that rich. :-D (strawberries with sugar)

24. What are you listening to right now?
For the last REM album (a compilation of music by an uncle I do not know, very good indeed)

25. Will the last person you talked to on the phone?
With my head, which is no coincidence, because I never talk on the phone with him. Curious. (With Robert B. to say he did not arrive where we had left.)

26. "Favorite drink? Complicated
. Depends on the moment.

27. Favorite sport to watch on TV?
Basketball, of course. But I drink any sport you throw it on TV. So I
curling reached grub. But if I lose a match not suffer.

28. "Favorite food? Well, as I am dining
willingly, it sells a lot between the grandmothers. Well, almost like everything though my love makes a hake stuffed baked ...

29. Final "sad or happy ending?
endings are usually sad, because if not, are not final. Still hope.

30. Do you have pets?

31. "Favourite Day of the Year?
Uhm. Not. A bit selfish, but maybe my birthday.

32. "Kisses or Hugs?
I'm more than hugs.

favorite 33.Postre
Well, again talking about food. "Favorite dessert? The favorite is the dessert.

34. If you are a happy person?
I try.

35. Who do you think will respond?
Well I do not know who you fancy spend a little time.

Boah. If I had to put names, I know three slackers who do not believe that either have just read. (Indeed it was so.)

37.Qué book are you reading?
"In Cold Blood" by Truman Capote. But I'm not engaged, so maybe look for some Perec, I have strongly recommended and seems interesting. 38.Color

The off-white, if only by name.

39. What you saw on TV last night?
Dexter, the first chapter. Marta's direct recommendation and Nico. (Last night I saw on TV.)

40. "Rolling Stones or the Beatles?
The Beatles. Not anything they say I look like Paul.

41. Where is the furthest you've been in your house?

42. A sentence ..
people's strength is not measured by their victories, if not for the times that arise after the defeats.

(answers in brackets are updated answers to this day.)

Sunday, April 13, 2008

Bloon Tower Defence 4 Ipod Touch Walk Through

my head.

I just discovered that my head is a lounge with a lot of doors.

doors that only open inwards.

you gotten inside my head and I can not make out ...

... I hope you do not find the hallway that takes you beyond.

Wednesday, April 2, 2008

Itunes Doesnt Let Me Drag Music

Let's have a plan. 2 º Part

Yes, we have a plan. For when all else fails, when it seems he will not return to the sun, gray days and only threaten the morning.

Let's have a plan for when you look back and have nothing to expect.

'll Tell that lame my hand and take me. There the place I never knew, who always wanted me to wear. That

green meadows and the smell of mint. Wherever the light makes you squint to see. Where the sunsets are tinged with pink, and very still catches you slowly.

I will be in materialized place after the agreed signal, with no more luggage than you, no more load than me.

Yes, we have a plan. Let me think, let me live, let me in the hope that someday everything will take effect ...

... and our plan is carried out.