Thursday, March 31, 2011

Compatability Of People With Same Birthdate

Nature Modular_
Rolando Lira
Mono Tanks & Nicole L'Huillier Photos por_

Friday, March 25, 2011

Do Guys Like Touch Breasts

Mono Lira Modular Nature 2011 -.

Monday, March 21, 2011

Tattoo About Getting Another Chance In Life

"This time, however, will come as the victorious Dionysus, making the world a party ... I have plenty of time ..." Nietzsche

Saturday, March 5, 2011

How To Make Suction Stick To Tile

Rolando Lira and Cristian Cisternas

From March 8 to March 26

modular nature
Next Tuesday March 8 opens at Sala Zero / Animal Gallery sample Rolando Cisternas artists and Cristian Lira entitled "Modular Nature", which is part the project entitled "Gallery of the Forest" and was born last year's hand Felipe Quezada and Sergio Valenzuela with the idea of \u200b\u200ba gallery in the middle of a forest, specifically in an area of \u200b\u200b5000 m2 located in Totoral. Thus was brought to the urban artists of his work, putting the challenge to develop their work in relation to nature, that is, making contemporary art in the middle of a forest. The project is proposed from the beginning as a site specific production laboratory and a space for residences where the main argument was the territory, so that the artist is no longer faced a blank space but to an outdoor area.

In 2009 the project was launched at Sala Zero with the exhibition "The loggers Project" where they invited different artists to make an approach to nature and working environment. Matucana then CHACO and 100 of the same year the first results of homes carried out in the forest. After a year of continuous work of visiting artists and curators to the forest, creating a continuous reflection on the landscape, presents the exhibition "Totoral, a place where ideas start of silence" in Buenos Aires under the Fair Arteba 2010.

is where artists, Rolando Lira Cristian Cisternas and cross for the first time his works, meaning that the two works are a personal reading on the idea of \u200b\u200bliving nature. Tanker for its part has a large format drawing colored pencil from a photograph of a landscape Totoral collected from occupying a model of hard work and repetitive, the line. For its part Lira comes to work from pine trees that the artist draws and manipulates geometric generating a working model where faces painted with saturated colors, faced with natural wood. It then creates a larger model where rustic and industrial are synchronized, and where the geometry does not appear rigid but is transformed, constructed and deconstructed to discuss the main idea the existence of a new way of looking