Tuesday, February 15, 2011

Red Raspberry Zinger Tea Safe During Pregnancy

Urban art Crafts

By Yisa
A series engine found an artist of the new Chilean scene this is what I and named as: Urban Art crafts - crafts urban landscape incredibly connected in a manual process that comes from the office of the street.

Saturday, February 12, 2011

Cover Letter Examples Visual Merchandiser


TRFX, a manufacturer of shirts, bags, hats and other items in limited editions that are distributed online.

Friday, February 4, 2011

My Chicken Invaders 3 Does Not Have Cheats


Trafic has natural graphic talent. He draws wherever he may be: sitting on the cold floor of Trafixxx Gallery in Santiago on a hot summer’s day, or on a friend’s sofa. He creates abstract and figurative patterns with a mind that remains open and responsive to events and conversation going on around him. He then scans his colourful drawings, saves them in Paint and integrates them with imagery saved on his computer or downloaded from the internet. He works in Paint because he finds it easy: his aim being to encourage to those around him to make art. Taking the same line of visual thinking to its logical conclusion, Trafic sometimes designs in Word.

Trafic’s graphic designs incorporate ubiquitous icons such as the Windows, Mercedes Benz and Nike symbols: the latter reversed. In the best tradition of radical Chilean art, he anti-advertises. Trafic also makes use of universal symbols – notably skulls, the circle of the signs of the horoscope, and the dharmic flame. His patterns successfully fuse disparate codes: for instance those of Space Invaders and of Andean textiles. While nihilistic, Trafic’s graphics intuit an innate beauty within contemporary chaos.

Rodney Palmer