Thursday, April 2, 2009

Libby Accounting Answers

Of all these things ... Planets

I've been a tired landscape. This is repeated continually before my eyes as the session continued a bad film, as the city behind the window of a bus line. Sera

we spent the winter and spring are outstanding. I do not know. Or will one of many other things we want.

Shit. Because we do not understand that. Why not enjoy this moment, and come spring. But why not turn your preciousness of winter. Please enjoy it, if it did not want to spring and summer heat. And in summer, autumn colors. And then comes winter, and I long for the flowers, the warmth and colors of that year that will not return.

ago, I say, little time I've realized I'm not a teenager. Everything has changed. That nothing will ever be the same. And what I most regret is not having squeezed with all my being that each time, always thinking that the best was yet to come. And no, it was better not to come. The best thing was that and nothing more.

What we have now is something else what? I do not know. Time will tell.

My mother just said that we made more ... And as always, is right.

Monday, January 26, 2009

Rephresh Make U Have A Discharge

Imagine, not a planet, if not two. As you like. Large or small, similar or very different, with volcanoes or without volcanoes. The way you please, there is no limitation.

Now tell me they are, and give me a small space of time ... I will tell as will his future. If an orbiting around each other, or vice versa. If you collide, or remain without touching ellipses describing the rest of eternity.

This is not a complicated issue ...

However, we add a third planet ... then the problem is unsolvable.

That is curious nature.

Link to wikipedia

Friday, January 9, 2009

Cruise Around Manahattan Fundraiser

Who am I? Who are you? Who are we?

long time ago that I realized that was not as strong, yet I'm still trying to prove otherwise. Long ago I told you not a problem to not look at me with a sad face. A long time ago that I said "I'm fucked", changing it into a "I'm fine. Let's have a beer. And it just did not worry, or maybe I did it because I'm stupid, or just because I can not bear to be the reason a look of sadness. But yet I behave well, and can also keep doing it.

And, thinking, maybe behind every person there are three personalities, one that you want to be someone else who want to display, and you can be, and indeed ultimately are. For example, and without going too far, myself.

Who would you be? Someone happy, but happy and unmitigated selfishness. A happy, no more. Who

samples? I try to show that I am a nice and safe. One of those that seems to have everything controlled, the ones with the answers before the questions. Pretend to take every decision after a reflexion, but that is tired, very tired, and sometimes just acting on instinct.

And who are you really? Well I do not know really, but I look like an insecure person. Unable to resolve their problems effectively, which leads me to unnecessary efforts to achieve my goals. Also I have the cynical me free to comment on the problems of the rest of humanity, and even I pat on the back thinking I've done a good deed.

And the problem is here, that much more distance between what you and your other two alter-ego, the worse you feel. Because at the end of the latter are your expectations and your reality first.

How easy it would be right? Accept yourself as you are, and that's it, be happy.

No, not now. Now I demand much more to be happy. Know exactly when, but I'm looking for. Maybe to when he grows up under me, I accept, and also wants to show you. Probably time is ripe, then likely be happy. No?

And you Who are you? Did you show? Did you want? Or just what you can?

Hugs, and Happy New Year.