Saturday, August 16, 2008

Implantation Bleeding 5 Weeks

Today I begin a book.

What I would grant this trip?

Tuesday, August 5, 2008

Scavengers And Decomposers List

The way of the gods. Archaeology

We all Have you ever wondered if you believe in God, or at least to a supra-terrestrial to justify our existence. In response to this question is "why" but not "For", as demonstrating the existence of a superior being, would show where we come from, but not the goal of our life.

And is that whenever I ask this question, which to a physicist seems to have more substance. I always say the same thing. "I do not know. Do not think about it"

And in science we find two very different branches of belief, both based on scientific fact. Some want to prove under the experiment the nonexistence of God (This is what you get, the more difficult or easier, but what is there. No bones about it.) And others based practically on the same tests show that the fabric of nature is so beautiful and detailed, which can only be the work of a superior being.

I headed for a third way, based on faith not filled with questions I can not resolve, and do not try them myself. I would like to be a Christian to have faith, to have a full life, and trust that God rewards me what I did in life. But I am a physicist and my job is to describe the divine facts in equations, effects and properties. While residing in my sleep hoping that not everything is describable cold by the wonderful and mathematics. And not everything is what we see, but rather what we sense.

why not look at my back, where I have a bag empty of faith, but I look forward where I have a road full of friends, experiences and challenges.

Thanks Mona for exploring this beautiful. Hey